Building Muscle: It’s So Much More Than Flexing!!

By Dan “The Mayor” Dillon

My first blog article here at Digital Muscle!! Let me begin by saying that I’m not famous. I’m a retired NYPD police officer who fell in love with bodybuilding and it changed my life. They call me the Mayor.  It’s a tongue and cheek way of saying that I’m a REALLY BIG FAN!!!! I’ve been attending events for a long time and I’ve made so many friends along the way.  I’ll be using this blog to tell some stories.  Some funny, some corny and some just plain AWESOME!  The kind of stories that only a fellow bodybuilding fan will appreciate.  Check back often……I hope you enjoy.  Let me begin with a little perspective on how I view this crazy sport……

In today’s quick fix culture everyone is looking for the “magic pill”. The truth is that the answer lies inside of you.  Within your heart and soul, there are no shortcuts. Bodybuilding taught me that. It’s through the act of doing, training, studying and dieting that makes achieving goals so satisfying. Anything worthwhile in life begins with self discipline and the gym is the perfect place to hone those skills.

While bodybuilding is about building muscle and looking good on the outside, the road to the top begins on the inside. Guys like Dorian Yates did not order a Sandow on eBay!  Dorian was a troubled youth who found his way out of hell through pumping iron. Dorian’s work ethic is legendary, as you can see on his blood and guts video. He busted his ass to become a six time Mr. Olympia.  Mr. Yates did not sit around talking about being a champion bodybuilder, he took action and changed the course of his life forever.

The mind is the most powerful muscle in bodybuilding and it needs regular exercise (just like other muscle groups). The iron teaches us to confront life’s problems and not avoid them through mind altering chemicals.  Each trip to the gym gets us one step closer to our goals, shaping our character in the process.  There are very few other endeavors that can offer that.

I see so many people sitting on the sidelines, waiting for their lives to somehow get better. Bodybuilding lets us control our destiny.  And that’s a powerful thing.  Bodybuilding has helped so many people rise up from the ashes, including me.

I’ve got some great stories for you guys.  Check back soon!

Related Story:  True Grit!  Your Success Depends On It – By Aaron Singerman